
Git View

A nicer look at GitHub profiles built with Vue3 (composition api), pinia and GitHub API.


A full-stack e-commerce solution built with MERN and @shadcn/ui, offering a seamless shopping experience.

Portfolio V3

my personal website built with Next.js (app router), TailwindCSS, featuring a clean and minimalist layout.


An immersive experience replicating the iconic Aesop brand, crafted with Next.js 13, Tailwind CSS, and responsive carousel

Unsplash Gallery

A image browsing app with a smooth carousel and cool modal, built using React, Tailwind CSS, and the Unsplash API.

Space Explorer

Leveraging NASA's API to unveil breathtaking images of the vast Universe, crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Honorable Mentions

Projects that couldn't make it to the top.

Framwork Guides

Quick-start into development with pre-configured templates.